Thursday, January 22, 2009

Determination and Motivation

I am determined, and I am motivated!

I came across the website for the March of Dimes' March for Babies today,, and I just had a feeling that this was something that I should participate in. I've known of the March of Dimes for years, I've even donated the $1 at Wal-Mart and Publix and put my name on the little paper to go on the wall, but it never really had any more significane to me than the next charity or organization until recently.

Even though we've never had any direct contact with the March of Dimes the fact that they're dedicated to improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, infant mortality and that issue that hits close to home for us, prematurity, makes me want to be involved in some way.

When I was looking at the locations for the March and saw my new favorite outdoor locale ~ Highlands Hammock ~ I thought to myself, "This is Perfect!" I decided at that moment that this year's March for Babies would have a "Team Cagen" in his honor. I've got Tim on board, I've already invited his mom and sister to participate with us (although his sister, who will be about 6 months pregnant by then probably won't feel like walking 6 miles) and I hope to recruit some other family and friends to join us.

Now I am determined to be able to complete the 6 miles in a respectable time, and while Cagen is my motivation to walk, the walk itself is my motivation to get back in shape. So, from now on you will find me walking the streets of Bartow whenever I can. If you live in the area and happen to pass me and notice me mumbling to myself don't be alarmed. I'm just reminding myself that..."I am Determined, and I am Motivated!"

And don't be surprised if you get an email or phone call from me in the future hitting you up for support of "Team Cagen"!

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