Friday, March 13, 2009

I Have Failed

I had one job and I have failed. I'm not sure my child will ever look at me the same again. She's bound to be heartbroken, and I'm sure it will scar her for life.

What could I have failed so miserably at you ask?


has a birthday coming up. And she is obsessed (or slightly beyond obsessed) with anything and everything Disney right now. Especially the princesses.

So her daddy and I are taking her to Disney World for her birthday. Actually, we're going a week before her birthday so she'll still get in free. It's that thriftiness coming out in me again. But I digress.

It was my job to make sure we had reservations for lunch with this one...

It's still a couple weeks out so no problem! Right?

WRONG!! I called today and the so sweet lady who I could barely understand on the phone politely informed me that Cinderella is BOOKED THE ENTIRE DAY THAT WE'RE GOING!!!

I know you're all sitting there thinking to yourselves, "Really, why is this a big deal? Surely a 2, about to be 3 year old won't even remember that you discussed it in the first place."

Oh but my child has a memory like an elephant (how do we know that an elephant has a good memory...why not a memory like a frog or a memory like a cow?). I have no doubt that she will remember that we said we were going to have lunch with Cinderella, and I'll be left to explain that mommy just couldn't get the job done!

I have failed.

On a happier note, it's Friday! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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